Monday, February 6, 2012

W5 Response

Fast food in America, my country of residence, for now, is an everyday source of nutrients. Those empty calories are so nutritious for your grease cravings, but that’s about it. Fast food joints are conveniently there for your lack of time and money, not so convenient for your health, though. So why does America have so many of them? Surely being the wealthiest nation on the map it’s sole purpose isn’t to cater to our poor population, and surely isn’t to there just to save some of us time, considering our industrialized living has rendered time to be not-so stressful. Though perhaps that goes hand in hand. For vehicles make efficient, quick transportation a time saving device, yet also a means to your nearest McDonalds. Thinking about it, fast food restaurants wouldn’t be so popular if it wasn’t for industrialization. And wouldn’t be all that popular if the food was pricey and healthy. As to why fast food is so awesome. Because if you hold money and time as high priorities like we do in America, then fast food is your kind of place. 
My experiences with fast food has been just the exact same as the next person to order a number four off the menu, I’m sure. The variety of these menus range, but not by all that much. My father was always a fan. The man couldn’t wrap his head around the cheeseburger that only robbed him of a single dollar. Because holy shit he could feed his family for the night with a ten dollar bill. Blue-collarism holds steadfast belief in the dollar menu, it’s their sacred covenant; saying look no more men, for there are options: The Dollar Menu. So fast food dining was never out of the question for my family. Though it wasn’t like we were eating it on the regular because my mom always looked past our budget to the negativity surrounding the complications. Complications that could only worsen with the smoking of packs of cigarettes. But the question of my fast food habits were validated when my driver’s license was. Luckily I maintain some control, I contribute that to my barely functioning metabolism, as though it seems. Fast food is always going to be there to tempt those who hold a few bucks in their pocket and less in their stomachs. It’s a matter of control. There’s a fully backed explanation as to why gluttony is a deadly sin, and in the case of fast food, extremely deadly. 

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